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        Kilonova is a 3D, third-person melee-combat game in UE5. Embark on a journey of revenge as Sol, a warrior of the celestial cosmos, as she fights to repel the corruption that has shackled the creatures of a fractured world. Wield her cosmic strength to shatter your foes and expunge the malevolent influence of the cosmos most ancient enemy; The Kilonova!

        Kilonova is a four-semester junior and senior game project. Our team is comprised of 28 members with 6 artists. I was a UI Artists in charge of 2D UI assets.





Main Menu

        Above is a video of the final main menu and all of its iterations from newest to oldest. I created the 2d art assets and general compositions.


        To the left are the assets for the rotating dials seen throughout the menus. Each shape rotates in a different direction. It's based off of star charts and sacred geometry.





Health Bars

        To the left is the player's health bar. The health bar has two states. The stars underneath indicate your ultimate meter charge. When full, the big star on the left lights up and the effect behind it spins.

        To the right is the enemy health bars. Every enemy type has a corrisponding bar that mirrors the enemies design and color palette. 


        I implimented them within the Unreal Engine widget blueprints to insure that the size and placement of the assets were correct.

Dialogue Effects

        Using materials, rich text boxes, and data tables, I created some custom dialogue effects for the Kilonova. This includes a purple font for when the Kilonova is refering to Sol (top left), and a more intense, shaking effect to add more dramatic effect (top right).

        To the right is an example of one of the materials I created for the shaking text effect. I created 3 variations with different values and applied each to a different letter to give the illusion of randomness.